Friday, January 21, 2011

A Diamond In The Rough

A diamond in the rough, not much to look at,
A diamond in the rough, not yet an object of desire,
It has a long way to go, to attain that spark, that lay dormant in its innermost depths.
A diamond in the rough;
So mundane in plain sight, but a masterpiece in the making.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Insistence for Persistence

The strength of will
Pulsating through the veins of ardour, floods
My conscience to an extent that
The thin veil separating impossibility and chance
Dissolves into anonymity.

Life becomes a celebration,
It musters the audacity to dream,
And to live the dream.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Terra Firma

While walking along the oft-trodden path
I look up with greed in my eyes.
The quaint little piece of cloud above
Seems enough for me; it will suffice.

But while on the fly, cutting winds and height,
Bleary-eyed I gaze down below;
The glassy vision of my precious little land -
Beckons me from my journey. I alight.